Source code for

import inspect
import os
import sys

import inicheck.checkers

from .changes import ChangeLog
from .config import MasterConfig, UserConfig, check_types
from .utilities import get_inicheck_cmd, mk_lst

[docs]def get_checkers(module='inicheck.checkers', keywords="check", ignore=["type", "generic", "path"]): """ Args: module: The module to search for the classes keyword: Keywords to look for in class names ignore: Post parsed keywords to ignore if found in a class name Returns: dictionary: Dict of the classes available for checking config entries """ keywords = mk_lst(keywords) funcs = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[module], inspect.isclass) func_dict = {} for name, fn in funcs: checker_found = False k = name.lower() # Remove any keywords for w in keywords: z = w.lower() if z in k: k = k.replace(z, '') if k not in ignore: checker_found = True break if checker_found: func_dict[k] = fn return func_dict
[docs]def get_merged_checkers(ucfg): """ Retrieve the dictionary of checker classes by grabbing all in inicheck and any prescribed in the master config through another module Args: ucfg: User Config object containing modules Returns: dictionary: all_checks - dictionary of all the checkers from inicheck and any modules assigned to the master config. """ # Grab all the original all_checks = get_checkers() # Add any checker modules if provided if ucfg.mcfg.checker_modules: for c in ucfg.mcfg.checker_modules: new_checks = get_checkers(module=c) all_checks.update(new_checks) return all_checks
[docs]def check_config(config_obj): """ Looks at the users provided config file and checks it to a master config file looking at correctness and missing info. Args: config_obj - UserConfig object produced by :class:`~inicheck.config.UserConfig` Returns: tuple: - **warnings** - Returns a list of string messages that are consider non-critical issues with config file. - **errors** - Returns a list of string messages that are consider critical issues with the config file. """ msg = "{: <20} {: <30} {: <60}" errors = [] warnings = [] mcfg = config_obj.mcfg.cfg cfg = config_obj.cfg # Grab a dictionary of all the checkers all_checks = get_merged_checkers(config_obj) # Compare user config file to our master config for s, configured in cfg.items(): # Section does not exists in master config if s not in mcfg.keys(): err = "Not a valid section." errors.append(msg.format(s, " ", err)) else: for i in configured.keys(): # lower case item li = i.lower() # Item does not exist in the Master Config if li not in mcfg[s].keys(): wrn = "Not a registered option." warnings.append(msg.format(s, i, wrn)) else: issues = [] fn = all_checks[mcfg[s][i].type] b = fn(config=config_obj, item=i, section=s) issues = b.check() # Examine the issues num_issues = len([True for p in issues if p is not None]) for ii, issue in enumerate(issues): if issue is not None: pi = i # If we had a list, provide position if num_issues > 1: # Show 1 based lists pi += "[{}]".format(ii + 1) full_msg = msg.format(s, pi, issue) if b.msg_level == 'warning': warnings.append(full_msg) else: errors.append(full_msg) return warnings, errors
[docs]def cast_all_variables(config_obj, mcfg_obj): """ Cast all values into the appropiate type using checkers, other_types and the master config. Args: config_obj: The object of the user config from mcfg_obj: The object used for manage the master config from class MasterConfig other_types: User provided list to add any custom types Returns: ucfg: The users config dictionary containing the correct value types """ ucfg = config_obj.cfg mcfg = mcfg_obj.cfg # Grab a dictionary of all the checkers all_checks = get_merged_checkers(config_obj) # Confirm checks are valid check_types(mcfg, all_checks) # Cast all variables for s in ucfg.keys(): if s in mcfg.keys(): for i in ucfg[s].keys(): values = [] # Ensure it is an item we can check if i in mcfg[s].keys(): fn = all_checks[mcfg[s][i].type] b = fn(config=config_obj, section=s, item=i) values = b.cast() # Not recognized items, keep them anyways else: values.append(ucfg[s][i]) values = mk_lst(values, unlst=True) # Reassign the values ucfg[s][i] = values config_obj.cfg = ucfg return config_obj
[docs]def get_user_config(config_file, master_files=None, modules=None, mcfg=None, changelog_file=None, cli=False): """ Returns the users config as the object UserConfig. Args: config_file: real path to existing config file master_file: real path to a Core Config file modules: a module or list of modules with a string attribute __CoreConfig__ which is the path to a CoreConfig mcfg: the master config object after it has been read in. changelog_file: Path to a changlog showing any changes to the config file the developers have made cli: boolean determining whether to attempt to process the changes which should be done from the CLI only Returns: ucfg: Users config as an object """ if modules is None and master_files is None and mcfg is None: raise IOError("ERROR: Please provide either a module or a path to a" " master config, or a master config object") sys.exit() if os.path.isfile(config_file): if master_files is not None or modules is not None: if master_files is not None: master_files = mk_lst(master_files) if modules is not None: modules = mk_lst(modules) mcfg = MasterConfig(path=master_files, modules=modules, changelogs=changelog_file) else: raise IOError("Config file path {0} doesn't exist." "".format(config_file)) # Get users config object ucfg = UserConfig(config_file, mcfg=mcfg) # If were not running the CLI, raise exceptions for issues # Check out any change logs for issues chlog = ChangeLog(paths=ucfg.mcfg.changelogs, mcfg=ucfg.mcfg) potentials, required = chlog.get_active_changes(ucfg) # Required Changes that broke things if len(required) != 0 and not cli: cmd = get_inicheck_cmd(config_file, modules=modules, master_files=master_files) raise ValueError("\n\nUser's Config has deprecated information and" " needs adjustment. To see what needs to change:" "\n\n>> {}".format(cmd)) # Fill in the gaps and make sure they're the right types ucfg.apply_recipes() ucfg = cast_all_variables(ucfg, mcfg) return ucfg
[docs]def config_documentation(out_f, paths=None, modules=None, section_link_dict={}): """ Auto documents the core config file. Outputs to a file which is can then be used for documentation. Specifically formulated for sphinx Args: out_f: string path to output location for the auto documentation paths: paths to master config files to use for creating docs modules: modules with attributes __core_config__ for creating docs section_link_dict: dictionary containing special documentation for a section in the config file reference """ if paths is None and modules is None: raise ValueError("inicheck function config_documentation args paths or" " module must be specified!") master = MasterConfig(path=paths, modules=modules) mcfg = master.cfg # Beginning config_doc = "\nFor configuration file syntax information please visit" config_doc += "\n\n" for section in mcfg.keys(): # Section header config_doc += "\n" config_doc += "{0}\n".format(section) config_doc += "-" * len(section) + '\n' # Allow for custom info in a description about the section, useful # for linking modules for auto documenting if section in section_link_dict.keys(): intro = section_link_dict[section] else: intro = '' config_doc += intro config_doc += "\n" # Auto document config file according to master config contents for item, v in sorted(mcfg[section].items()): # Check for attributes that are lists for att in ['default', 'options']: z = getattr(v, att) if isinstance(z, list): combo = ' ' doc_s = combo.join([str(s) for s in z]) setattr(v, att, doc_s) # Bold item with definition config_doc += "| **{0}**\n".format(item) # Add the item description config_doc += "| \t{0}\n".format(v.description) # Default config_doc += "| \t\t*Default: {0}*\n".format(v.default) # Add expected type config_doc += "| \t\t*Type: {0}*\n".format(v.type) # Print options should they be available if v.options: config_doc += "| \t\t*Options:*\n *{0}*\n".format(v.options) config_doc += "| \n" config_doc += "\n" path = os.path.abspath(out_f) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): raise IOError("Config Documentation output file does not exist." "\n{0}".format(out_f)) print("Writing auto documentation for config file to:\n{0}".format(path)) with open(path, 'w+') as f: f.writelines(config_doc) f.close()