Source code for inicheck.config

import copy
import importlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import join as pjoin

from . import __recipe_keywords__
from .entries import ConfigEntry, RecipeSection
from .iniparse import read_config
from .utilities import get_relative_to_cfg, mk_lst

DEBUG = False

[docs]class UserConfig(): """ Class meant for managing the the users config, here we operate on the config repeatedly making it available through the attribute self.cfg Attributes: raw_cfg: Untouched original OrderedDict that inicheck read from file cfg: OrderedDict of the config file that inicheck will check, cast, list, etc recipes: List of that apply to this config sections: List of strings that represent the unique sections for the whole config file items: List of strings that represent the unique items for the whole config file values: List of strings that represent the unique values for the whole config file mcfg: config.MasterConfig object that represents the standard the cfg is checked against """ def __init__(self, filename, mcfg=None): """ Args: filename: String to path containing config in .ini format mcfg: Object of the master config """ self.filename = filename = [] self.raw_cfg = OrderedDict() # Hang on to the original if self.filename is not None: self.raw_cfg = read_config(filename) # The version of the config that inicheck will mess with self.cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.raw_cfg) self.sections, self.items, self.values = \ self.get_unique_entries(self.cfg) if mcfg is not None: self.mcfg = mcfg
[docs] def apply_recipes(self): """ Look through the users config file and section by section add in missing parameters to add defaults Returns: user_cfg: User config dictionary with defaults added. """ # Add this in case the user has added anything to the config obj self.cfg = copy.deepcopy(self.raw_cfg) # Start fresh with recipes to avoid over populating the recipes list = [] for r in for trigger, recipe_entry in r.triggers.items(): # Full conditions met to handle mulitple triggers conditions_met = 0 triggered = False # All conditions must be met if to be applied for condition in recipe_entry.conditions: conditions_triggered = [] for section in self.cfg.keys(): # Is it a valid section if section in self.mcfg.cfg.keys(): # Watch out for empty sections if len(self.cfg[section].keys()) == 0: items = [None] else: items = self.cfg[section].keys() for item in items: # Confirm its a registered item if item in self.mcfg.cfg[section].keys(): vals = mk_lst(self.cfg[section][item]) # Watch for empties elif item is None: vals = [None] else: vals = [] for v in vals: # Sections if (condition[0] == 'any' or condition[0] == section): if FULL_DEBUG: print("Section Gate {0} == {1}" "".format(condition[0], section)) # Items if (condition[1] == 'any' or condition[1] == item): if FULL_DEBUG: print("\t\tItem Gate {0} == {1}" "".format(condition[1], item)) # Values if (condition[2] == 'any' or condition[2] == v): if FULL_DEBUG: print("\t\t\t\tValue Gate {0}" " == {1}" "".format(condition[2], v)) # No conditions == [any any # any] conditions_triggered.append( (section, item, v)) triggered = True # Determine if the condition was met. if triggered: conditions_met += 1 triggered = False if (conditions_met == len(recipe_entry.conditions) and len(recipe_entry.conditions) != 0): conditions_met = 0 # Check recipes for sections not in the master invalid_r_sections = [s for s in r.adj_config.keys() if (s not in self.mcfg.cfg.keys() and s != 'any')] if len(invalid_r_sections) > 0: raise ValueError("The recipe {} attempts to modify" " section(s) {} not recognized by Master Config." "".format(, ",".join(invalid_r_sections))) if DEBUG: print("\nDEBUG: Trigger: {0} {1} was met!" "".format(trigger, condition)) # Iterate through the conditions found and apply for situation in conditions_triggered: # Insert the recipe into the users config self.cfg = self.interpret_recipes(r.adj_config, situation) else: if DEBUG: print("\nDEBUG: Trigger: {0} not met. gates = {1}" " and gates_passed = {2}" "".format(trigger, condition, conditions_met)) print('\n\n')
[docs] def interpret_recipes(self, partial_cfg, situation): """ User inserts a partial config by using each situation that triggered a recipe. A triggering situation consists of a tuple of (section, item, value) that represent the specific settings that trigger the recipe. All default references should avoid overwriting the users selection. Args: partial_cfg: dictionary of edits to be applied to the cfg situation: List of len=3 describing the trigger mechanism Return: result: Modified dictionary """ result = copy.deepcopy(self.cfg) for section in partial_cfg.keys(): for item in partial_cfg[section].keys(): remove = False value = partial_cfg[section][item] values = mk_lst(value) for value in values: # Defaults Keyword if item == 'apply_defaults': if str(value).lower() == 'true': result = self.add_defaults(result, sections=section) # Keyword removal elif item == 'remove_section': if value.lower() == 'true': if section in result.keys(): if DEBUG: print("removed section: {0}" "".format(section)) del result[section] # Normal operation else: # Handle the any keyword for sections if section == 'any': s = situation[0] else: s = section # Handle the any keyword for items if item == 'any': i = situation[1] # Enable removing and defaulting elif item in ['remove_item', 'default_item']: i = value if item == "default_item": value = "default" #value = "default" # Nothing special asusme its a valid item name else: i = item # Replace ANYs with values from the situation if value == 'any': v = situation[2] elif value == 'default': # Confirm existence in master if i in self.mcfg.cfg[s].keys(): # Prefer user selection over default if i not in self.cfg[s]: v = self.mcfg.cfg[s][i].default else: raise Exception('{0} is not a valid item for ' 'the master config section {1}, check your ' 'recipes for a situation triggering on {2}, ' '{3}, {4}'.format(i, s, situation[0], situation[1], situation[2])) # default items were sepcified. else: v = value # Delete items if item == 'remove_item': if s in result.keys(): if i in result[s].keys(): if DEBUG: print("Removed: {0} {1}".format(s, i)) del result[s][i] elif s in result.keys(): # Check for empty dictionaries if not bool(result[s]): if DEBUG: print("Adding section {0}".format(s)) result[s] = OrderedDict() # Dictionary exists else: # Handle a item not provided by automatically # adding it if i not in result[s].keys(): if DEBUG: print("Adding {0} {1} {2}" "".format(s, i, v)) result[s][i] = v # If the item was provided we don't want to # overide the user with defaults elif value != 'default': if DEBUG: print("Changing {0} {1} {2}" "".format(s, i, v)) result[s][i] = v return result
[docs] def get_unique_entries(self, cfg): """ Appends all the values in the user config to respectives lists of section names, item names, and values. Afterwards any copy is removed so all is left is a unique list of names and values Args: cfg: OrderedDict of the config file Returns: tuple: tuple of len=3 of sets of unique sections items and values """ unique_sections = [] unique_items = [] unique_values = [] for section in cfg.keys(): for item, value in cfg[section].items(): if not isinstance(value, list): vals = [value] else: vals = value for v in vals: unique_sections.append(section) unique_items.append(item) unique_values.append(v) return set(unique_sections), set(unique_items), set(unique_values)
[docs] def add_defaults(self, cfg, sections=None, items=None): """ Look through the users config file and section by section add in missing parameters to add defaults Args: sections: Single section name or a list of sections to apply (optional) otherwise uses all sections in users config Returns: user_cfg: User config dictionary with defaults added. """ master = self.mcfg.cfg result = copy.deepcopy(cfg) # Either go through specified sections or all sections provided by # user. if sections is None: sections = result.keys() else: # Accounts for single items not entered as a list sections = mk_lst(sections) for section in sections: configured = result[section] for k, v in master[section].items(): if not in configured.keys(): result[section][k] = v.default return result
[docs] def update_config_paths(self, user_cfg_path=None): """ Sets all paths so that they are always relative to the config file or absolute. """ if user_cfg_path is None: user_cfg_path = self.filename mcfg = self.mcfg.cfg cfg = self.cfg # Cycle thru users config for section in cfg.keys(): for item in cfg[section].keys(): d = cfg[section][item] # Does master have this and is it not none if item in mcfg[section].keys() and d is not None: m = mcfg[section][item] # Any paths if m.type == 'filename' or m.type == 'directory': cfg[section][item] = \ get_relative_to_cfg(cfg[section][item], self.filename) return cfg
[docs]class MasterConfig(): def __init__(self, path=None, modules=None, checkers=None, titles=None, header=None, changelogs=None): self.paths = [] = [] self.titles = {} self.header = header self.checker_modules = [] self.changelogs = [] # Paths were manually provided if path is not None and modules is None: for p in mk_lst(path): self.paths.append(abspath(p)) # If a module was passed if modules is not None and self.paths == []: for m in mk_lst(modules): i = importlib.import_module(m) self.paths.append(abspath(pjoin(i.__file__, i.__core_config__))) # Search for possible recipes provided in the module if hasattr(i, '__recipes__'): self.paths.append(i.__recipes__) # Search for possible section titles provided in the module if hasattr(i, '__config_titles__'): self.titles.update(getattr(i, '__config_titles__')) # Search for config headers provided in the module if hasattr(i, '__config_header__'): self.header = getattr(i, '__config_header__') # Search for custom checkers if hasattr(i, '__config_checkers__'): self.checker_modules.append(m + '.' + getattr(i, '__config_checkers__')) # Grab ayny change logs if hasattr(i, "__config_changelog__"): self.changelogs.append(abspath(pjoin(i.__file__, i.__config_changelog__))) # Add any extra ones provided if checkers is not None: for c in mk_lst(checkers): self.checker_modules.append(c) if titles is not None: self.titles.update(titles) if header is not None: self.header = header if changelogs is not None: self.changelogs.append(changelogs) if len(self.paths) == 0 and modules is None: raise ValueError("No file was either provided or found when" " initiating a master config file.") self.cfg = self.add_files(self.paths)
[docs] def add_files(self, paths): """ Designed to add to the master config file if the user has split up files to reduce the amount of info in a master file. e.g. recipes are stored in another file. Args: paths: list of real path to another cfg.ini Returns: config: Original config with appended information found in the extra cfg """ result = OrderedDict() for f in paths: if f is not None: extra_cfg = self._read(f) result.update(extra_cfg) return result
[docs] def merge(self, mcfg): """ Merges the a master config object into the current master config object in place """ += self.checker_modules += mcfg.checker_modules self.titles.update(mcfg.titles) self.cfg.update(mcfg.cfg)
def _read(self, master_config_file): """ Reads in the core config file which has special syntax for specifying options Args: master_config_file: String path to the master config file. Returns: config: Dictionary of dictionaries representing the defaults and available options. Based on the Core Config file. """ cfg = OrderedDict() # Read in will automatically get the configurable key added raw_config = read_config(master_config_file) for section in raw_config.keys(): sec = OrderedDict() # Look for keywords in section name e.g. recipe for word in __recipe_keywords__: if word in section:[section], name=section)) break # Look for master properties else: for item in raw_config[section].keys(): sec[item] = ConfigEntry(name=item, parseable_line=raw_config[section][item]) cfg[section] = sec return cfg
[docs]def check_types(cfg, checkers): """ Iterates through all the master config items and confirm all type are valid Args: cfg: dict of master config entries listing out properties checkers: dict of checker names and class as Key Value pairs Returns: Bool: True if no error is raised Raises: ValueError: raises error if a type is specified not in the lists of checkers """ for s in cfg.keys(): for i in cfg[s].keys(): type_value = cfg[s][i].type # Is the specified type recognized? if type_value not in checkers.keys(): raise ValueError("\n\nIn master config, SECTION: {0} at ITEM:" " {1} attempts to use undefined type name " " '{2}' which has no checker associated." "\nAvailable checkers are:\n\n{3}" "".format(s, i, type_value, checkers.keys())) return True